Sprinting, what does 80, 60 mean

Moderator: George Payan

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Sprinting, what does 80, 60 mean

Post by tmtmtl »

The reply for help with sprinters work stated to do 80,60 with seven minutes of rest what does the 80, 60 represent?
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Speed Endurance

Post by George Payan »

All workouts done at 95 - 100% intensity

Sprint 80 meters, walk back, sprint 60 meters and take 7 to 8 minutes recovery between sets.

The 60 and 80 meters works maximum velocity.

Race model:
The first 20 meters you work on pure acceleration (drive phase). From 20 meters to 35 meters you are in transition (still part of acceleration). From 35 meters to 65 meters you are at maximum speed. From 65 meters to 100 meters the goal is to minimize the deceleration.

World class male sprinters reach their maximum speed between 60 and 70 meters in a 100 meter sprint. World class female sprinters reach their maximum speed earlier, between 40 and 60 meters.

All individuals reach their maximum speed between 4 and 6 seconds. It is important to know your daughter or slower individuals reach their maximum velocity sooner.

Coach Payan
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