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Primary and Secondary Muscles Used in Sprinting

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 6:51 pm
by George Payan
What muscle groups are the primary and secondary muscles used in sprinting? Also, recommend the particular strength exercise or drill which best conditions this muscle group specific to the movement of sprinting.

Primary and Secondary Muscles Used in Sprinting

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:15 pm
by George Payan
According to research, the hamstring group is the single most important group in sprinting. In preparing the leg for touchdown, and during the initial portion of ground contact, this group is stressed to whatever limit is available and often beyond.

The iliopsoas, quadricep group, and plantar flexors are the remaining force producers that play an important role in sprinting. The iliopsoas and quadricep group play their major role during the latter stages of ground contact as well as the initial portion of leg recovery. The gluteals provide much needed support for the hamstrings during the latter stages of the airphase and the initial portion of ground contact.

Finally, the plantar flexors serve as a dissipator of downward vertical body velocity during the initial stages of ground contact, and a producer of force needed to propel the body into the next airphase during the latter stages.

Specific exercises are as follows:
Standing heel raises for the ankle joint extensors; Squats for the knee joint extensors; Supine leg lift for the hip joint flexors starting with the leg in a hyper-extended position; Gluteham-gastroc raises (but not to a vertical position) for the hip joint extensors and total hamstring development. Push-ups or the bench press is also used. For power, many plyometric and depth jump exercises can be used.

Coach Payan