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How To Improve Running Speed For The 40 Yard Dash

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 8:34 pm
by George Payan
Can you describe an off-season speed development program for the 40 yard dash?

Off-Season Speed Development Program For 40 Yards

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 9:03 pm
by George Payan
I personally train athletes for the 40. This is the program I recommend.

Spend 35-45 minutes twice a week on this progressive, 12-week program up to 15 weeks. This workout includes the warm up, drills and the core workout. In addition to the 45 minute workout, I recommend agility drills, plyometrics, medicine balls and weight training to maximize performance.

The speed workout is as follows:

Run ten repetitions each workout.
Week 1
10 yds. from a standing start twice a week.

Week 2
15 yds. from a standing start twice a week.

Week 3
20 yds. from a standing start twice a week.

Week 4
Tuesday, 10 yds.
Thursday, 15 yds.

Week 5
Tuesday, 20 yds.
Thursday, 10 yds.

Week 6
Tuesday, 15 yds.
Thursday, 20 yds.

Week 7
25 yds. twice a week

Week 8
30 yds. twice a week

Week 9
35 yds. twice a week

Week 10
Tuesday, 25 yds.
Thursday, 30 yds.

Week 11
Tuesday, 35 yds.
Thursday, 25 yds.

Week 12
Tuesday, 30 yds.
Thursday, 35 yds.

Weeks 13-15
40 yds. twice a week

During the 13-15 weeks athletes should be running at maximum speed. This is the time athletes report to camp or when practice starts.

The 40 yard conditioning will prepare the athlete for acceleration.

Coach George Payan