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VO2MAX In Distance Running

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:09 pm
by George Payan
How can I improve VO2MAX in distance running?

VO2MAX In Distance Running

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:35 pm
by George Payan
Maximal Aerobic Capacity is the maximum amount of oxygen which can be consumed by the body.

Research has shown that VO2MAX will improve if you run more mileage:
20-30 miles = 10% increase
30-40 miles = 5-6%
40-50 miles = 3-5%
50-60 miles = 2-4%
60-70 miles = 1-2%
After 70 miles a week there is little or no increase in VO2MAX.

Studies show that doing workouts at an intensity of 90-100% (approximately 93% of maximal heart rate) will improve VO2MAX. This is an anaerobic threshold and corresponds to between 2 mile race pace and 5K intensity.

Suggested workouts:

5 minute run @ 5K race pace with 5 minutes recovery between. The number of repeats depends on the weekly mileage. The number of repeats should equal 10% of total mileage. This workout is specific to the demands of competition.

Mark off a 6 mile course. After warm-up, run between 5K and 10K pace, 2 minutes at 5K pace and 1 minute recovery at 10K pace or slower. Keep this routine for the distance, 6 miles or less.

Keep in mind that a beginner will show more improvement versus someone with more running experience.

Coach Payan