Hurdlers-Jumpers-Sprinters-400meters Conditioning Workouts

Moderator: George Payan

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George Payan
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Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Hurdlers-Jumpers-Sprinters-400meters Conditioning Workouts

Post by George Payan »

All workouts in the fall are never all out. You are working to teach pace, form, how to run into curves and out of curves. Each week every workout will get a little bit faster, without straining. If you want to sprint fast 400's you must learn how to run pace, and get faster and faster without straining. Sprint to hit the first 300 right on pace, and the last one will come as the season goes on.

Breakdown (500 - 400 - 300)
The resting interval between each segment is easy walking, but keep moving. Try to get even pace as possible.

Sprint 400 meters up a hill at about 70% speed, working on good arm action and no straining. Walk back down. Start out with three hills the first day and as the weeks goes by, work up to six or seven. Don't do more than seven.

3 x 300's
Start the 300's at the start of the straight way.
Put the groups in groups of two or three, with your fastest in the lead. Have the sprinters get ten meters apart, and no passing. Each 300 meters get faster have them keep walking between each 300. The rest interval is between 12-17 minutes or when they feel they are ready.

Same as Tuesday

There is no rest on Friday. Work on warm-up drills

Saturday and Sunday rest

After Winter break (January/February to April)
When you have meets adjust workouts accordingly.

Breakdown 500 - 400 - 300 or 2 x 500's
Each repetition is faster

100's or 150's or 200's
10 x 100's or 4 x 150's or 3 x 200's at race pace

3 x 300's
Pace workout

5 x 100 meters up the hill, and walk down. These are done at 90% effort, no straining.

Rest competing on Saturday


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