Potential Record Holder

Moderator: George Payan

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Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:00 am

Potential Record Holder

Post by jetlag »

:D I happen to have one the best kept secrets in the state under my coaching. Everyone knows she is fast but I see more flaws in her mechanics than in a bootleg dvd.
Most pronounced is slamming of her feet into the ground instead of a clawing action. I believe Seagraves describes this mechanic in a very thorough way but do you think it can be something other than that? When she runs down a hallway at the school she sounds like a stampede out of Jumanjii.
This girl can potentially break the state record this year as a Junior so this is big to us.
john jackson
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Improper Mechanics

Post by George Payan »

Work on correcting mechanics every day. It might take all season long and it might take two years. Select one area at a time to work on. It is easier for the athlete to concentrate on one area at a time. If you are working on a drill, find one area to evaluate. Tell the athlete what she should focus on in the drill.

Everything in training becomes permanently etched into the neuro-muscular system. When you see improper technique in drills, stop it immediately and communicate the proper technique. If necessary, spend more time after the workout on technique.

If the time is invested on technique, a talented athlete will become a better athlete.

Coach Payan
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