Distance Runner's Weight Lifting Workouts

Moderator: George Payan

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Distance Runner's Weight Lifting Workouts

Post by chawley »

What lifts/workouts do you suggest for high school runners?
George Payan
Posts: 405
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Distance Runner's Weight Lifting Workouts

Post by George Payan »

I believe the factors that develop a successful distance runner are the long run, hill repeats, continuous hill running and strength training. Strength training helps when you don't have hills or some type of inclines for training. I had to develop a strength training program because the school was located in the city.

The program that I developed is in the Coaching section of this web site. It is entitled Strength Training Workouts For Runners. This program has 18 cycles, from the preparation period to the end of the competition period. Each cycle is four days. It could take from one to two weeks to complete one cycle. Add other exercises at least every third week for variation. The body parts being worked are also named. The link to this article is: http://www.coacheseducation.com/coachin ... pt_02.html

If you can do these factors mentioned above with strength training, your runners will be developed. If these factors are not available to you, continue with strength training to have a developed runner. I can see the strength in our runners during competition.

I use free weights versus machines. If you have to, fight to use the free weight facility for your athletes.

Coach George Payan
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