1600 Meter Training Suggestions

Moderator: George Payan

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1600 Meter Training Suggestions

Post by Zainos »

Coach, I hope your doing well. I'm very sorry I have not updated you for a while. I think I'm ready to do the 1600 meter program you talked to me about.

I have only had one race since I talked to you last and it was last weekend. All of my races were pr's. I did a 10:07 in the 3000, 27.22 in the 200, and 2:20 in the 800. Thank you again for your help coach. I could not have pr'd with out your help.

7th Grade
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

1600 Meter Training Suggestions

Post by George Payan »

This is the 1600-meter program for the first half of the season:
When you run at race pace, it is from your 1600-meter time.

Workout 1
800 meters, at race pace, 6 repetitions

Workout 2
400 meters, at race pace, 10 repetitions

Workout 3
200 meters, at race pace, 16 repetitions

This is the 1600-meter program for the second half of the season:
When you run at faster than race pace, it is from your 1600-meter time.

Workout 1
800 meters, 2 – 4 seconds faster than race pace, 4 repetitions

Workout 2
400 meters, 90-95% of your pr 400-meter time, 5 repetitions

Workout 3
200 meters, 2 seconds faster than race pace, 12 repetitions

Coach Payan

1600 Meter Training Suggestions

Post by Alex »

Hi Coach,

Thank you for the advice. This weekend I had a race in Phoenix, Arizona. I ran the 3000, 800, and 1500. I pr'd in the 1500 with a time of 4:40.07, the 800 was 2:17.07 and in the 3000 I did a 10:17.

Thank you for all your help coach, I couldn't have pr'd without your help. Tomorrow my mom will fax you the schedule.

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